Apparently someone managed to get some bootleg footage of the trailer you guys prepared for the Game Developers' Conference and posted it on youtube:
First off let me say that the game looks amazing. I can't wait to try all those fatalities on my TV. More than that, i can't wait to see the tweaks and enhancements you've made to the combat system.
I do have one question though. Kratos' new armor looks awesome, but i notice in the combat scenes he's still wearing his outfit from the first GoW game. Are the costumes going to be interchangeable or is this a storyline thing or what? Thanks, and once again, great job!
For those of you asking specific GOW2 questions - you should prolly head over to Cory Barlog's blog and see what he has to say.
Cory was the lead animator on part 1 and is now the lead designer on part 2.
When I went to London last year to talk about GOW with the press, I went with the lead environment artist Ken Feldman. While on the plane he made a comment to me that no one had made as much of an impact on god of war like Cory had when he started. Told me how he almost rejuvenated the team with all the animations and changes he was doing.
So while gow will always be Jaffe's baby and Jaffe is watching the progress - part 2 is in great hands with Cory at the helm.
Looks crazy delicious.
Apparently someone managed to get some bootleg footage of the trailer you guys prepared for the Game Developers' Conference and posted it on youtube:
First off let me say that the game looks amazing. I can't wait to try all those fatalities on my TV. More than that, i can't wait to see the tweaks and enhancements you've made to the combat system.
I do have one question though. Kratos' new armor looks awesome, but i notice in the combat scenes he's still wearing his outfit from the first GoW game. Are the costumes going to be interchangeable or is this a storyline thing or what? Thanks, and once again, great job!
For those of you asking specific GOW2 questions - you should prolly head over to Cory Barlog's blog and see what he has to say.
Cory was the lead animator on part 1 and is now the lead designer on part 2.
When I went to London last year to talk about GOW with the press, I went with the lead environment artist Ken Feldman. While on the plane he made a comment to me that no one had made as much of an impact on god of war like Cory had when he started. Told me how he almost rejuvenated the team with all the animations and changes he was doing.
So while gow will always be Jaffe's baby and Jaffe is watching the progress - part 2 is in great hands with Cory at the helm.
I basically love you.
lol, i love you too
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