Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Evo2k6 is coming!

This weekend marks the annual gathering of Fighting Game players from all over the world. This year also marks the return of the event happening in Las Vegas!!

With this year's lineup I am curious to see who will walk away victorious. Will the Koreans dominate in Tekken? Will the Japanese flex their muscle once again by winning CvS2, 3rd Strike and GGXX? Instead of the mainstay Super Turbo this year we are trying out Anniversary Edition which could create some amazing upsets. So far with Evo West and Evo East - ST Balrog has won both. Will Justin return to his throne of Marvel dominance? And who in the hell is going to win Mario Kart? So many questions which will be answered this weekend.

Aside from seeing all of the old faces I really look forward to meeting new people. So to everyone reading this who will be there this year make sure to say Hi!

Check out or for details.

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